Make Them Obey, The Science Of Compliance And Conformity

What Are Compliance And Conformity? Compliance refers to a specific type of response to a request, namely submission. It is broken down in to compliance, in which people change how they act but not how they believe, identification, in which people change their public behavior and beliefs but not when they aren’t around the group, … Read more

How To Be Feared And Respected

Fear and respect are important in leadership and daily life. When someone fears you they believe you are capable of inflicting some sort of harm on them. When people respect you they believe you epitomize certain characteristics they find valuable. This article will teach you how to be feared and respected whether it be by … Read more

Frame Control: All You’ll Ever Need To Know

What Is A Frame? (With Examples) There is a lot of information out there in the world. Our brains need a way to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. Think of a frame like a story or narrative. It presents information about the world by emphasizing certain aspects of our experience … Read more

The Complete Guide To The Big 5 Personality

Overview The Big 5 Personality profile is a way of grouping personality traits so as to better understand, analyze, and predict human behavior. It is built on the idea that people have certain traits that constitutes regular behavior, and uses a statistical technique called factor analysis to group those behaviors into categories. There is a … Read more

How Do You Combat DARVO?

What Is DARVO? DARVO is an acronym used to describe a specific type of reaction to being accused. It stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Studies have shown that each of the DARVO techniques often are used together, hence the acronym. It is often used when a victim finally finds the confidence to … Read more