How To Be More Rational

Rationality in reasoning is the presence of logic and the absence of emotion. Obviously it is impossible to completely remove emotion from the reasoning process of the human brain, but we can make an effort to minimize emotion’s involvement in the process. The most rational people do three things to ensure they make logic based … Read more

How To Be Less Sensitive To Criticism

Becoming less sensitive to criticism is necessary if you have any desire to accomplish things in a social setting. Criticism is necessary for fixing problems, and inevitable in competitive, social environments. Part of the sensitivity to criticism comes because of a trait called neuroticism. Neuroticism can lead people to negatively interpret events. Additionally, being lower … Read more

The Divide And Conquer Strategy

What Is The Divide And Conquer Strategy? Dictators, politicians, sociopaths, and individuals have been known to use the divide and conquer strategy. It is also known as the divide and rule strategy since those who imply it have the goal of ruling or controlling a situation or resource. You can also add in another term … Read more